Web design

Why is web design important for your company?

A well-designed website goes a long way in helping your brand establish an online presence and gain loyal customers. It demonstrate the brand credibility and affects the retention rate with a greater user experience. First impressions are real and important. Here are a few of the ways I can help you with web design with my background in UX Design (check out my portfolio):

  • Combine art and technology to communicate ideas through images, websites layouts and printed pages using Figma, Adobe, Canva etc.
  • Developing brand identity from logo, color palette to typography, voice and more.
  • Create user interfaces for apps, websites, or other interactive medias.
  • User research, wireframing, prototyping and user testing.
  • Create visually appealing content.
  • and more…


of users won’t engage with a website if its layout is unattractive​


of user are more likely to make a purchase if the website is mobile-friendly

Source: Forbes